server backup solutions

Small businesses need to take extra care to ensure their data is safe, secure, and accessible. One of the most successful strategies is using an IT support service that offers offsite server backup solutions. These come in all shapes and sizes, so it helps to know what’s available. Here’s the latest in digital safety.

What Is A Server, And Why Is It Important?

Any business that operates online will have a server. This enables online sales, record keeping, and accounts. For some companies, digital capabilities are also used to collect data regarding who is buying which products and when, helping organisations tailor their services to particular demographics. All information is collected and stored on the server, so there is an accurate record of every transaction.

A Bit Of A Risk

The warning against keeping all eggs in one basket is apt for the single-server method of data management. Whether it’s a power outage, a software error, or something as technologically obliterating as a flood or fire, keeping data in one place means that it is vulnerable to being lost.

Backup servers ensure that an identical copy of the information is kept safely and securely in a different location. This may be a physical place, such as a remote server, or a virtual one, such as the Cloud. Should that data ever be required, it will be instantly accessible.

What’s The Difference Between An Offsite Server And The Cloud?

An offsite server is a computer that stores data in a secondary location. This usually means a physical space, where information is kept on a secure hard-drive. This means that it will be unaffected by any problems that the main server may be experiencing.

The Cloud is a type of offsite storage solution where data is stored digitally, with the files rooted in multiple locations for increased resilience. The Cloud has multiple storage options, and is a service-orientated approach, meaning that it can be tailored to fit individual needs. Both are highly secure, reliable options that act as an invaluable insurance policy in the event of a cyber attack, human error, or hardware failure.

Which Is The Best Option For My Business?

Many companies use an offsite server to keep their information safe. These are typically owned and maintained by a specialist provider, whose advanced software and hardware ensures that your business has the latest security features. One of the main benefits of this approach is that providers will offer additional levels of support, such as technical assistance and updated hardware.

Increasing numbers of organisations are also using the Cloud, either as a secondary backup option, or as their exclusive disaster protection strategy. The Cloud offers high levels of flexibility, making it particularly attractive for small businesses.

The majority of small companies opt for a dual approach. This means that an offsite server is their main protective strategy, with the Cloud as an additional layer of security. This means that whatever happens, data will be safe.

Next Steps

If you’re wondering about the best way to keep your information safe while ensuring that your business can be up and running quickly in the event of an emergency, it’s helpful to speak to an expert.

For more information, contact F1 Support today.